Dutch Foundation for Biosciences and Society - Biowetenschappen & Maatschappij

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English publications

12 mei 2021
Plant Health
The English version of our booklet 'Plantgezondheid'.
19 november 2020
Miniorganen op chips – Engels
For the first time, we offer an English version of our booklet called ‘Mini Organs-on-Chips: Towards new research models for studying disease and finding treatments’.
Janny van den Eijnden – van Raaij
Berend van Meer
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About us

The objective of Stichting Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij (BWM) is to support as many interested Dutch people as possible to form their opinion on various themes within the life sciences. The foundation publishes booklets, articles and teaching materials on a broad spectrum of life science topics, ranging from medical sciences to biotechnology and biology. In these, an overview of scientific developments and of the current state of affairs is provided, to serve as a starting point to participate in the social debate. Four publications appear on a yearly basis in addition to essays on the website. The publications distinguish themselves from many other popular scientific publications in that they are written by leading scientists working on the relevant subject in The Netherlands or abroad. The editorial team also consists of experts, so that a high degree of reliability is achieved.